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The Art of Righteousness



For the artist whose work bespeaks of a search for the true meaning of life, eulogizes the divine, or even grapples with questions of good and evil, it could hardly be said that his or her work is meant merely to please or entertain. Instead, such an artist creates to inspire in the viewer a pearl of higher wisdom or truth.

The works in this exhibit were created by a diverse group of artists. Through the practice of Falungong, they have gained health in both body and mind, deepened their grasp of workings of nature, and found answers to a lifelong search for the greater meanings of art and life. In this exhibit, the artists depict a vision of the world, their firsthand experiences and what it means to be spiritual aspirants who seek to embody and perfect the virtues of truthfulness, compassion and forbearance.

These works poetically allude to the beauty of life lived in keeping with a higher-order while also depicting the grim realities of cruel persecution that Falungong has faced at the hands of China’s communist regime. Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance are infused in the very marrow of the wounded, making the victor of the victim. The message is ultimately one of hope and triumph.




這裡,他們把自己對生命的領悟,親身的經歷,以及這群同化宇宙特性「 真善忍」的人們身上所發生的事情,透過藝術作品向人們展現了一條通向「 真善忍 」的歷程。

這些作品展現了天人合一的美妙境界,生命同化「 真善忍 」的境界,在當前這場人類的浩劫–中共對法輪功的殘酷迫害中善與忍的表現,以及善惡有報的宇宙法則。這些作品讓人們看到當正義、自由、尊嚴與人性遭到踐踏時,平凡的人不再平凡。當邪惡挑戰「 真善忍 」原則時,法輪大法修煉者以堅忍不屈的精神,以大善大忍的胸懷面對仇恨,重塑人類道德的豐碑。

Jessica Khor, Evelyn Khor & Teo Jia Yun


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Walk into The History of Falungong 
