by Kah Wai | Jan 25, 2019 | 2018 Fa Conference in Malaysia
EXPERIENCE SHARING 2018 By Kwan I obtained the Fa in December 2014 through The Epoch Times/NTD news. I wanted to understand further about Falun Gong thus I actually obtained the Fa through the internet. I experienced a lot during these 3 years’ cultivation, the more...
by Kah Wai | Jan 25, 2019 | 2018 Fa Conference in Malaysia
< My Cultivation Story > Greeting to Shi Fu and all Practitioners ! I am a Malaysian practitioner from Johor Bahru , Johor ; name FAN JIN SHEN . I attained the Fa 9 years ago and was recommended by a practitioner named Mr Goh. He could be regarded as a...
by Kah Wai | Jan 25, 2019 | 2018 Fa Conference in Malaysia
Awaking to my Cultivation Path Greetings Master!Greetings Fellow Practitioners! In October, that is 2 months ago a fellow practitioner contacted me and asked whether I can share my Fa experience in this Fahui. I accepted, at the same time, wondering whether there...
by Kah Wai | Jan 25, 2019 | 2018 Fa Conference in Malaysia
Awakening Julie T Lowe丁佳麗 Greetings to Master, Greetings to fellow practitioners I am very fortunate to have received Fa after the news report on 25 April, 1999. Nineteen years later, I’ve lived in New Zealand, Australia and Malaysia. Thanks...
by Kah Wai | Jan 25, 2019 | 2018 Fa Conference in Malaysia
BELIEVE IN FA AND MASTER, PASSING THE TESTS WELL ~ Alan Sia ~ Greetings to Master! Greetings to fellow practitioners! The title of my experience sharing is – Believe in Fa and Master, Passing the Tests Well I obtained the Fa in Shanghai, China in year 2018. Due...