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Cultivating Xinxing in the Waist Drum Team
Greetings, Master! Greetings, fellow practitioners!

In December 2023, I was invited to join the waist drum team. Two months later, we would apply for the Spring Festival parade. I told myself that I must participate in this parade, I shouldn’t hold others back, and that I should contribute to the waist drum team. Therefore, when the coach required us to practice basic skills for 5 minutes a day, I practiced for 25 minutes each day; when I didn’t have drumsticks, I used pens or chopsticks as substitutes and practiced in front of the mirror without missing a single day.

  1. Overcoming My Human Self and harmonizing as the whole group in the Taiwan Food Festival Performance 

Because of my efforts, I was invited by the project manager to participate in the waist drum team performance at the Taiwan Food Festival.

I had only 13 days to learn this new stage routine and coordinate with my fellow practitioners, which seemed extremely challenging. After taking on this performance task, I just knew that due to venue limitations, only six people could go on stage to play the waist drum. Thus, all the practitioners who joined the practice also faced selection based on merit.

During the upcoming performance training, we experienced various frictions and unforgettable tests of xinxing.

Because I was the youngest in the team, the coach required me to be in the front row. A simple request that tested the heart of every member of the waist drum team. With only the quota requirement of 6 people to play the waist drums, three people will be in the front row, and by placing me in the front row, I just wonder who would then be at the back? If I were the team leader, it would be difficult for me to decide too. I felt the leader was struggling and I could sense that some members were feeling the discouragement. Some team members had already lost confidence in the performance. There is an Chinese old saying: “A general in the field is not bound by orders from the emperor,” meaning that a general leading an army in the field has the flexibility to act as needed, and does not have to carry out certain inappropriate commands from the emperor or superiors. So, in order to boost the morale of the waist drum team, I voluntarily suggest to stand in the back row or even not to perform at all. However, the leader did not accept. Due to the pressure of the situation, I didn’t give up and I continue to assist the project and make it easier for the leader to organize and adjust the formation. I proactively started to learn the central drum and cymbals for future use.

One day, I had to leave an hour early due to family issue. When the training video was released afterward, I noticed I was not in it. Posting the video after I left seemed very unreasonable to me, because the video was used to help us correct our movements, this made me acutely aware of potential sense of “exclusion.” I realized that this was a normal psychological process and a process of improving one’s xinxing during cultivation, but I still felt an uncontrollable surge of emotions and a sense of grievance. I had made a lot of effort for this performance, but in return, I felt “unaccepted”. All the negative emotions came flooding in, and I felt so aggrieved that I even considered leaving the project team. But just when I had the thought of giving up, feeling heartbroken and deeply in pain, I suddenly woke up, I realized: Is this not exactly what the old forces want to see in terms of disharmony within the team and the lack of cooperation among Dafa disciples? Wouldn’t my leaving just in line with the arrangements of the old forces? I started to calm down and look inward.

Why did I feel aggrieved? Digging deeper into myself, I realized that my sense of grievance came from a feeling of “should have” but “didn’t get.” I subconsciously believed that with all my efforts and sacrifices, everyone should “treat me well.” But when they didn’t meet my internal standard of “treat me well,” I felt aggrieved. I was startled to discover that my efforts were not selfless but done with expectations in return—a sign of “selfishness.” So, it turns out that the root cause of my grievance was my “selfish ego”. Expanding on this insight, I realized that in other projects, I had also experienced feelings of grievance, leading to complaints or resentment, even resulting in conflicts with fellow practitioners. All of this stemmed from my inner “selfish ego” If I could eliminate this “selfish ego,” I would not feel grievance, nor would I feel the resentment. Then, many issues and cooperation problems with fellow practitioners would be easily resolved. Master teaches us to be “selflessness and altruism,” which is precisely the right approach to eliminating “selfish ego”

In this matter, as I continued looking inward, I also realized that I hadn’t achieved true forbearance. Master said, “To endure completely without anger or grievance is the forbearance of a cultivator.” (Essentials for Further Advancement – “What is Forbearance (Ren)?”) Furthermore, I recognized that if others didn’t accept me, it was my own problem, it was because that my cultivation was insufficient, and that I couldn’t blame others. As Master said, “If you were to have no karma, everyone would smile at you as you walked down the street, and people you don’t even know would go out of their way to help you. You would be utterly carefree!” (<Lecture Given at the Conference in Sydney> Therefore, no matter how others treated me, no matter what circumstances I face, I was determined with one thought: I will overcome all obstacles, and selflessly and altruistically assist with this project and complete this performance task.

The next day when the video session still did not include me, I could calmly face it without feeling aggrieved or disturbed. Because I realized that this situation should not be seen as my fellow practitioners targeting me, from a human perspective. Instead, it should be understood from the cultivation perspective—as Master arranging the fellow practitioners to help me improve my xinxing. Once I shifted my mindset and looked inward to improve myself, things had been changed. Team members became more harmonious, like a close-knit family. Everyone began to work together, helping each other to correct their movements.

For the three-day performance, some team members, due to work, could only participate one or two days, so we had to rearrange the positions for each session. Different positions meant different movements for each team member to remember. During the whole simulated 3-day performance, the changes caused the confusion, especially for the elderly team members. My self-learned central drum skills came in handy. I proposed to substitute for the absent central drum player on the first day, using the central drum to lift the team’s spirit; on the second and third days, I substituted the first and second-row waist drum players who couldn’t come. This way, the others’ positions remained the same, and only I needed to remember the movements for the substitute positions, sparing the elderly waist drum players from confusion. Throughout the whole process, I thought about others and took on responsibilities proactively. This not only harmonized the whole team but also met the coach’s request for me to be in the front row at least one day, making sure that no one was put in a difficult position.

During the three-day, six-show performance, we made progress day by day. By the last performance, everyone on stage coordinated extremely well. Some other practitioners were moved to tear after watching, and some changed their previous perceptions of the waist drum team. In this performance, the waist drum team truly demonstrated “when practitioners come together, there is nothing they cannot achieve”. We successfully completed the performance, surpassing expectations. At the same time, every practitioner involved in this project improved their xinxing (heart and mind) and experienced a process of spiritual elevation.

  1. Recognize the “selfish ego” in the coach’s feedback and look inward to be impeccable.

 As per usual practice, after our performance, the coach would give feedback based on the video. When she commented on the central drummer, the coach said, ” There is a central drummer who is playing so egotistically that I can’t see clearly who it is. Is it YE Zi??” Then she began directing feedback toward me. At that moment, I was shocked and found it hard to accept. Since the coach said she couldn’t clearly identify who it was, why was it so certain that it was me? I felt aggrieved. While the coach was giving feedback, I was taking meeting minutes and inwardly denying it: “The coach must have made a mistake. How could it possibly be me?” I began to make excuses: ” Maybe the coach wanted to criticize others but used me to avoid embarrassing them?” I didn’t realize that this was my inner “selfish ego” which I should be cultivating away, shirking responsibility. I remembered that I once boasted to a leader in the waist drum team that if team members didn’t want to be criticized publicly, I would take the blame. Under the comfort of this mindset, and using “helping team members” as an excuse for self-protection, I began to open my heart and truly listen to the coach’s criticism. It was only when I took off the armour of “selfish ego”, that I truly realized the coach was right—I did have the issue.

Master asks us to cultivate to be ‘selflessness and altruism,’ which requires to eliminate our ‘selfish ego’. Through the reversal in this situation, I have discovered the patterns of the ‘selfish ego’. Moreover, I have realized that the “trick” of the ‘selfish ego’ appear not only in all projects and in our cooperation with fellow practitioners but also in our daily life. The “trick” is this: when others point out our shortcomings, the ‘selfish ego’ first stirs up feelings of grievance and self-protection. Then, it leads us to deny everything and start shirking responsibility, in order to protect the ‘selfish ego’ from being eliminated.

To extend this further, when we encounter conflicts and problems, that ‘selfish ego’ within us, in order to resist the fate of being ‘eliminated,’ it will instinctively cause us to have a ‘denying thought’ or ‘negative thinking.’ It’s like a thick armour surrounding us, preventing us from accepting any suggestions that could help us eliminate the ‘selfish ego’ and improve ourselves. In other words, the ‘denying thought’ or ‘negative thinking’ that arises instinctively is a defence mechanism of the ‘selfish ego.’ It is the armour of the ‘selfish ego’ and the greatest obstacle to accepting others’ opinions and improving our xinxing. This makes me more aware that whenever I face any conflict or problem, I must immediately be alert to the ‘denying thoughts’ or ‘negative thinking’ that arise. Only by maintaining a state of calmness, or adopting a mindset of ‘always looking inward,’ or striving to reach a state of selflessness and altruism, can I recognize my own issues and thus improve my xinxing.

Furthermore, I also realized that our habitual thinking pattern is to look outward. We tend to think that others are nitpicking, unreasonable, or against us, etc. However, if we adopt the approach of ‘looking inward’ as Master taught us, and turn our focus back on ourselves, we will realize that whenever someone gives us feedback, it is because there is something wrong with our own actions, and our shortcomings have given others the opportunity to point out our flaws. If we strive to be impeccable, no one can find any fault. Ultimately, the root cause of all problems lies within ourselves.

  1. Persistence in Malacca – Stepping Out, Forming as a team, and Save More People

This year, Chinese star Fan Bingbing became the goodwill ambassador for Malacca. Many Chinese tour groups now travel directly from Singapore to Malacca. The Falun Dafa Association has attached great importance to this city, and we tentatively planned for Kuala Lumpur practitioners to support truth clarification point in Malacca every Saturday.

The one on October 12 was truly full of twists and turns. Because the person in charge of the truth-clarification point was unavailable, it seemed like the trip to Malacca could not be arranged. I knew the old forces would be delighted if practitioners couldn’t make it. I don’t think we can let the old forces have their way. This trip must take place. With Master’s support, I found a fellow practitioner to drive and other supporters. However, due to other Dafa projects, they needed to rush back by 3:30 PM, while the peak time for Chinese tourists at the truth-clarification point was from 4:00 to 7:00 PM. I struggled with how to do as I would be left alone. After wrestling with my thoughts, I told myself that so many people needed to know the truth, even if I’m the only one, I must persist.

That day was also the first day of group practice for the waist drum team. The team members from Johor Bahru team would arrive first. So, I reached out to them for assistance, asking them to come and support us. At 4:00 PM, the first group of five practitioners from the waist drum team arrived. At 5:00 PM, the second group of five practitioners arrived, including the coach from Canada. We divided up the work: some held display boards, some distributed materials, and some spoke to people. It is different when there are more people. That day, when I was alone at the entrance, I was unjustly scolded by the tour guide and the Chinese group leader. However, when more than ten practitioners formed as a whole team, the environment changed entirely and people started listening to my truth-clarification. Under my persuasion, someone even quietly slipped the truth materials into his bags, preparing to take them back for groupmates to read.

Not long after, it suddenly started raining. All of us gathered at the entrance, still holding up the display boards. Some practitioners were holding umbrellas, but half of their bodies were still getting wet. Seeing how hard everyone was working, I felt moved and, with a heavy heart, suggested, “Why don’t we pack up and head back?” But no one from the waist drum team responded. Everyone firmly stayed at their positions, waiting for the public to come and see the display boards. When they got tired, they would take turns holding the boards.

After we all sent righteous thoughts at 6:00, in addition to the effect of the righteous thoughts, perhaps it was because of our persistence in the rain, a curious boy proactively called me over to ask about Falun Gong. His mother tried to stop him, but he insisted and told her, “I want to listen.” So, I took the truth materials and explained everything to him. After he understood, he successfully quit Chinese Communist Party(CCP) and its affiliated organizations. He also helped me assist his mother to do the same.

This was the first time someone actively came to me at a truth-clarification spot to learn the truth and quit CCP. It was truly inspiring. All of the present practitioners from the waist drum team were deeply moved and remarked: ” when Dafa disciples form a cohesive whole and work together for the same purpose, the evil behind the public can be eliminated through our righteous thoughts. Our persistence in the rain and our steadfastness in the truth clarification are the hope for the salvation of the people.

I hope all Dafa disciples can step out and form a whole team, assist Master in Fa-rectification, and save more people.

This is my sharing for today. If there is anything not in accordance with the Fa, please correct me with compassion.

Thank you Master. Thank you practitioners